Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon 2019 yng Ngogledd Cymru
Black History Month 2019 in North Wales
"Movers, Shakers and Legacy Makers"
Please refer to Race Council Cymru for details of the great range of activities undertaken during Black History Month in North Wales.
Invitation from Learning Links International: We are welcoming Jamaican Guest, Yasus Afari, Founder of the Jamaica Poetry Festival and Rastafari Ambassador, back to Bangor to launch the Jamaica Wales Alliance Community Tour 2019.
We would be delighted if you could join us on Tuesday 1st October at 7pm at Penrhyn Hall, Bangor for an informal evening with poetry and presentations, along with Jamaican music and food.
There will be updates about the Pennants Project, with a film presentation of the work done recently by Yasus Afari with school students in Pennants.
The Pennants Project, is bringing together organisations and support including the Rhona Reid Trust, Rotary International, the Laspen Trust snd the Douglas Pennant Family Foundation brought together by the Jamaica Wales Alliance, to find ways to help refurbish John Austin All Age School and other community facilities in the Pennants community.
There will also be an update about the May Pen / Bangor Civic Links and a short presentation about work being done with the NLHF supported “From Sheep to Sugar” project exploring the production and the trade routes for the fabric Welsh Plains 1650 - 1850.
Please let me know if are able to join us.
Liz Millman
Director: Learning Links International, Ambassador for Wales International
Yasus Afari's Jamaica Wales Alliance BHM Tour of Wales 2019
Check here to see some of the activities undertaken by Yasus Afari on what was his 11th BHM Tour of Wales!
YA BHM Part 1 YA BHM part 2 YA BHM part 3 YA BHM part 4
Sorry - I had problems problems loading this - as we did so much, but it is worth opening these links which show photos of the activities and examples of the work we did in schools.
Taking things forward:
The next BHM Jamaica Wales Alliance meeting will be at Talgai Village Hall in Llandegai on Tuesday 29th October with and presentation by Jamaican Poet and Social Activist, Yasus Afari, who is now wrapping up his Jamaica Wales Alliance, Black History Month Community Tour of Wales. Yasus Afari will showcase a lecture performance using his poetry and reasoning, that he will also be presenting at the University of South Wales later in the week.
And there will also be an update on the “From Sheep to Sugar – O Wlan I Sigwr” project.
Dr Marian Gwyn will be speaking about the "Mid Wales Woollen Cottage Industry:” Marian is one of our project advisors of the “From Sheep to Sugar” project and recognises how much is being learned through the efforts of the project’s community research volunteers.
The evening starts at 7.00pm but from 6.30pm there will be Jamaican Pumpkin Soup and Bun & Cheese, soup and hot drinks or fruit punch.
This is a free event, with donations to officially launch the “Pennants Project”
Please let Liz Millman know if you plan to attend to help with catering arrangements; 07711569489 or lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk
…. and please pass this invitation on to others who might be interested